Sunday, December 30, 2007

Soup #1

Dear Henry Albert

Soup is important. Soup is our ancestor. The primeval world was soup.

We were once amorphous globs. Then we evolved into one celled things, into worms, into fishies (Pisces), into Froggies, called Amphibians (not amphetamines), into monkeys (not Marsupials) and finally into Man.

And all of this took place in a Primeval Soup (called an Ocean or Swamp or Sea). Our DNA, bones, brains and other stuff evolved from soup.

*** This is not accepted by Evangelicals, Christian Fundamentalists, assorted religions, the Weird Science Division of the U.S. Government, many Republicans and Democrats and others (especially Presidential Candidates in an Election Year).

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Soup is made by combining ingredients, such as
meat, vegetables or legumes in stock or hot water. To make soup, you need a container or pot. The pot was invented by Murray Pot. Early pots probably came in the form of pouches made of clay or animal skin about 9,000 years ago.
One of the first types of soups can be dated to about 6000 B.C., earlier than other records, with the main ingredient being
hippopotamus.[1] (This may not be true. See important notes below!) (End of Wikipedia stuff)

Soup can be good, healthy, nutritious, and yummy and make you a better and more civilized person. Soup makes you more civilized because you can’t just shove it in your mouth like other foods (such as a twinkie). Soup requires a container and utensils. Soup cannot be carried in a sack or shoved in a pocket.

One “takes” soup. One does not “drink” soup like water or Diet Coke. One does not “sip” soup like scotch on the rocks or a vodka martini. One does not eat soup like a banana or enchilada or pastrami on rye. Try sucking a green pea or noodle up a straw. Slurping soup is not acceptable! There are some primitive people who slurp soup, but we try to sit someplace else. One “spoons” soup with an implement called a spoon.

Many civilizations and religions made sacrifices or offerings to their “Gods”. The sacrifices were frequently domesticated animals such as sheep or goats or even fowl. Never soup!
Soup trivia: (Supplied by Campbell Soup)
Soup is one of the most beloved foods in the world and has a long and colorful history. Here are some fun and interesting facts about it provided by the Campbell Soup Company:
Archaeological evidence suggests that the first soup dinner dates back to 6000 B.C. The main ingredient of this first- known soup? Hippopotamus bones! (Hippos again?) It's estimated that Americans consume more than 10 billion bowls of soup each year. The ladies of the French court of Louis XI subsisted mainly on soup because they believed that chewing would cause them to develop wrinkles. Tell Nancy Pelosi.

From: Barbra Williams Cosentino (Los Angeles Times Syndicate)
“It’s the time of year when most of us are consuming our weight in soup. The word comes from the Middle Ages, when sop meant a piece of bread used to mop up wet food. (Mop + Soak up=”sop”?) First served for dinner in 6000 B.C., with hippopotamus bones (Hippos again) as the main ingredient, soup was originally cooked by placing heated stones into a bowl. In the 12th century, the medicinal properties of chicken soup were recognized by Egyptian theologian and physician Moses Maimonides. (Hippopotamus is not Kosher.)

In Camden, N.J., 130 years ago, two men — a fruit merchant named Joseph Campbell and an icebox manufacturer named Abraham Anderson — formed the Joseph A. Campbell Preserve Company, which produced canned tomatoes, other stuff and soups. They squeezed a lot of the water out and made condensed soup. Americans annually consume more than 10 billion bowls of soup. An average of 100 cans of Campbell’s soup is bought every second of every day during January. Worldwide, 360,602 cans of Campbell’s soup are purchased every hour. (**See note below.) That includes duck gizzard soup in China and cream chili poblano soup in Mexico.”

** Note below: 360,600 (cans per hour) x 24 (hours per day) x 365 (days per year) = 3,154,000,000 cans of soup. If we pile all those cans of soup on top of each other, it will reach the moon and half-way back.

Important notes below from above: Many innocent gullible people believe that the original soup was made of Hippopotamus. That’s plain silly and dumb.

Q. Why do they accept, as fact, such nonsense?
A. 1-A long time ago, some people learned that if you make up lie and repeat it often enough, most people (who are not too smart) believe it.
A. 2- Idiots quote each other.
A. 3- A lot of people are gullible, stupid and smell bad.
A. 4- Over 130 years ago, Joseph Campbell wanted to increase sales of his soup. So … he made up that the original soup was made of Hippopotamus (or parts of).

So … what should we do?

Boycott duck gizzard soup! Take a nap! More to come!

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