Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Henry's first spaghetti.

Dear Henry Albert,

December 15th 2007 was a momentous day for you. You met spaghetti.
The first time experience for a young man (or young lady like your sister) with spaghetti is very important. Many people believe spaghetti was invented in Italy or Ancient China or Poland or some other place. So what? Who cares?

Spaghetti and Oreo Cookies have special innate qualities that are imbedded in our DNA.

Most people like spaghetti, especially kids. When I was a kid growing up in Pelham Parkway the only one in our neighborhood who didn’t like spaghetti was Willie Guzman. Willie was fat, smelled bad, had pimples and nobody liked him.

Humans have an innate drive to survive. (Or else we would be dead.) Most of us who believe in Evolution had monkeys for ancestors. This is true for most Christians and Jews and lots of other people. Some Conservative Christians, Evangelists and others who don’t like Darwin believe we magically appeared in pods (like peas) or some other way. Most people don’t know what Mormons believe. People who don’t believe in Evolution voted for Bush.

Monkeys and Chimps and Early Man ate grubs, insects and worms along with vegetables, nuts and whatever couldn’t run away from them. So we like Spaghetti because it looks like worms which are why little kids like it. So it is our instinct to eat worms that makes us like spaghetti which proves that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.

Spaghetti is not kosher for Passover especially if it is made with sausage.

Also the stuff that is like spaghetti that is made by Chinese is called, “noodles”. Japanese and Koreans also eat a lot of noodles. Koreans also eat a lot of Kimchi. Kimchi's is mostly cabbage and a lot of garlic. It can be separated into the main vegetable ingredient and the mix of seasonings used to flavor the Kimchi. While the most popular type of Kimchi is the Napa cabbage variety, countless different types exist including regional and seasonal varieties. Popular variants include
ggakdugi (hangul: 깍두기) which is a kimchi made with cubed radishes, and oisobaegi (hangul: 오이소배기) which is a cucumber kimchi stuffed with hot and spicy seasonings. Because Kimchi is made with a lot of garlic, it can make your breath stink and make you smell like a dead buffalo so you should not eat Kimchi until you get a lot older.

There are also Spaghetti Monsters and Spaghetti Gods. (click on the picture and link)

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