Thursday, February 14, 2008

Presidents + Corkscrews + Words

Dear Henry Albert

Your Daddy told me you said your first polysyllabic word, “apple”. Wow! It is good to learn important words like food names. Apple has 2 syllables, banana has 3, knish and prune have 1 each and peanut butter and jelly has 7.

People in North Carolina eat French fried Twinkies. Also, you should never eat stuff like tongue or brains or snails.

You will also learn to say words like Mama and Dada and the name of things like a chair or a goat or a baby sister. Hmmm! It is also fun to make up your own words like glubble. Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated on February 14. The holiday is named after two early Christian martyrs named Valentine. The day became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.

February 14th is also the day the police found a dead man in Brooklyn with a corkscrew sticking out of his head. The police spokesperson said they suspect foul play, but did not yet rule out accidental death or suicide. My friend Kenny once had a fish hook stuck in his hand, Don had a dart stuck in his forehead and Ron once got caught in his zipper. Stuff happens. Corkscrews are nasty.

Also on February 14th: NEW YORK -- Police hunted Wednesday for a man who entered a psychologist's office with a bag of knives and a meat cleaver and hacked her to death. Kathryn Faughey's (the victim) office was in shambles and was splattered with blood and gore. Messy, messy!

The National Meat Cleaver and Corkscrew Association said, “Meat Cleavers and Corkscrews don’t kill people. Bad persons do.”

The leadership of the Republican Conservative Caucus and others from the National Republican Committee called on John McCain to promise to support a citizen’s right to bear meat cleavers and corkscrews.

I am sorry I took you and Mommy and Nana Paula to that Barbeque Resturaunt.

February 18th is President’s Day. We celebrate the birthdays of some dead Presidents by not going to work and buying things we don’t need. Presidents seem a lot better when they are dead. America would be better off if they got dead as soon as the got elected. And some of their wives were not beauties.
George Washington supposedly had wooden teeth. (I don’t know about that. ???)
We still have 4 people who are candidates to be nominated to be President. They are doing the usual campaign things like making promises they can’t keep, telling lies and yelling. Why do they yell? They also try to besmirch the other candidates. Besmirch is a very good word.

Since the prefix "be-" in "besmirch" means "to make or cause to be," when you besmirch something, you cause it to have a smirch. What's a smirch? A smirch is a stain, and "to smirch" is to stain or make dirty. By extension, "to smirch" came to mean "to bring discredit or disgrace on." "Smirch" and "besmirch," then, mean essentially the same thing. We have William Shakespeare to thank for the variation in form. Shakespeare's 1599 use of the term in Henry V is the first known appearance of "besmirch" in English.

There are a lot of very good holidays and birthdays and other stuff we celebrate in February, Go to ..
February 28th is Tooth Fairy Day.

Millard Fillmore was the first President to have a bathtub with running water.
February is Black History Month. Go smirch!

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