Happy February! February 2nd is Groundhog Day (http://www.groundhog.org). According to the legend, if a groundhog, also known as a woodchuck or marmot pops up from the ground and sees its shadow; spring will come in 6 weeks. If not, winter will last 1 ½ months.

Farmers, nature lovers and regular people celebrate by getting drunk and eating a lot.
The first Tuesday in February is Super Tuesday. Super Tuesday is when the politicians and nominees pop up and have debates and make speeches and tell lies and try to get votes. They also ask people for money and tell more lies. A lot of people celebrate by getting drunk and eating a lot.
Groundhogs crawl around in the ground. They damage things and don’t take baths and are dirty, sneaky and smelly. Some people may confuse them with politicians but groundhogs don’t tell lies and are not slimy. Also, groundhogs don’t get drunk.
Ted Kennedy endorsed Obama. Ted Kennedy is a fat raucous drunk, corrupt; sleaze-bag Senator and killed Mary Jo Kopechne. President Bush’s wife, Laura, killed somebody when she was 17 but claims she wasn’t drunk and doesn’t smoke. (???) Harriet Miers endorses Bush and thinks he is very smart. Schwarzenegger endorsed Hillary.

Schwarzenegger was the Terminator and Conan and is a Governor. Bill Clinton also endorses Hillary. Patrick Kennedy is also in Congress and also a drunk. A lot of Kennedys endorse Obama and believe Bill Clinton is despicable and gives White Trailer Trash a bad name. Some Clinton supporters believe the Kennedys are a bunch of alchoholics and drunks (wives included) who give low class Irish a bad name.
The Super bowl is on Sunday. Americans celebrate by getting drunk and eating a lot. Most Americans are disgusted by politicians but like groundhogs and football players.
February is a busy month for Pollsters. Pollsters are people who make up results that tell people what to think and who to vote for. The results they make up depend on who pays them.
Tuesday is also called Fat Tuesday. Hooray Mardi Gras! Mardi Gras (French for "Fat Tuesday") is the day before Ash Wednesday, and is also called "Shrove Tuesday" or "Pancake Day". Mardi Gras is the final day of Carnival, though the term is often used incorrectly to describe the days and weeks preceding Fat Tuesday.[1] Perhaps the cities most famous for their Mardi Gras celebrations include New Orleans, Louisiana; Venice, Italy; and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
To celebrate Mardi Gras, people dance and wear costumes, and show their boobs and have a lot of fun. For Super Tuesday and the Super Bowl they don’t do that. The only exception is Janet Jackson who showed one boob during the half-time show at a Super-bowl. It was a small boob and only showed for a few seconds so it doesn’t count.
Janet’s brother Michael wears costumes but doesn’t show his boobs. Jesse Jackson was a nominee along with his friend Al Sharpton. They are all good friends with Jimmy Carter and Jeb Bush. He wants to President also. They are also Reverends so they don’t show their boobs ut they all lie and smell bad. The Candidates and Nominees and that bunch wear regular clothes and keep their boobs covered.
There are no women playing in the Super-bowl but the players wear costumes.
Groundhogs run around naked all the time and don’t wear clothes but are very hairy.I am going to vote for a groundhog.
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