Thursday, September 6, 2007

Henry reads and plays piano.

Dear Henry Albert,

I visited you at your new apartment at the end of August at 2 Horatio Street.

I was happy to see that you can play the piano. Playing a piano is a good thing. I like Jazz and Classical and Basin Street and Dixieland and some other stuff. Schroeder played the piano. Schroeder’s friend was Snoopy.

Bugsy is your friend. Schroeder played Beethoven. Playing Beethoven may not be good. Beethoven means beet’s hooves. Cows and horses have hooves instead of feet. Beets don’t have feet or hooves. Playing Chopin is better.

I was also happy that you can read. Reading is good. You must be very careful when you read. Especially newspapers. Newspapers used to report truth. Now they sometimes report garbage and poop. Even the New York Times.
It is not good to eat newspapers. When I visited you, I fed you smushed green peas. You liked the smushed green peas. It is not good to eat the New York Times.

Maybe Beethoven doesn’t mean beet’s hooves. I’m not sure. Ask your Mommy or Daddy.

Living on the 8th floor is good. When you are older, I will tell you about water balloons.

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