Robby and Jeanine live in an old farm house (175 years old. Built in 1832.) on Turkey Creek Road in Jamaica, Vermont. The house is nice but they got mice.

How would you like open a box of Oat Bran or Rice Puffs or Corn Flakes and find mouse poops in it?

Mouses or mice or mices are a kind of Varmint. “"Varmint" is an American English colloquialism. The term applies to foxes, coyotes, burrowing animals, rats, mice, and cockroaches and other stuff.

Luckily, Robby and Jeanine’s ancestors were ferocious hunters. So they knew what to do.
Robby’s Great-great-great grandfather, (“Shlomo the Scruncher”) was a renowned Mouse Scruncher in Eastern Poland (which may have been Russia or something else at the time.)
Robby’s Great-great-great grandfather, (“Shlomo the Scruncher”) was a renowned Mouse Scruncher in Eastern Poland (which may have been Russia or something else at the time.)

So, they got mouse traps. The mouse trap was invented by Murray. No-one knows his last name because he became very rich and everybody called him Murray-Mouse-Trap. (Hyphenated names were popular at the time.)

The State Bird of Vermont is the Hermit Thrush. I thought it was the Turkey.

It is good that you live on the 8th floor at 2 Horatio Street because mice don’t like to climb a lot of stairs especially since one elevator doesn’t work.
One day you and Mommy and Daddy will go to Vermont to visit Cousins Jeanine and Robby. But remember, make sure you don’t smell like cheese or crunchy peanut butter.

One day you and Mommy and Daddy will go to Vermont to visit Cousins Jeanine and Robby. But remember, make sure you don’t smell like cheese or crunchy peanut butter.